Take any approach to making money, mining, and traveling your way across the galaxy. You may only have one ship, but trading is allowed. Different ships work for different styles: cargo for traders or scavengers, fighters for space pirates, and speed (or jetpacks) for explorers.

Mining and money will be essential for advancement: radioactive and toxic planets need suit upgrades, harsh space travel will take a toll on your ship, and better weapons aid in mining. 

Money, or units, come from trading what you mine or have scavenged from space debris. Although, too much mining (or harm to animals) will result in a wanted level and conflict with the sentinels that guard some of the planets.

Pick your battles carefully because dying in No Man’s Sky is possible and will leave you without a hyperdrive to fly with.

Because of the procedural rendering, this huge sandbox can quickly process complex animal behavior and varied environments for a rich experience. Everything seen in-game is a real place to visit, discover, and share in the database, “The Atlas.”  And there is a filter for names, so don’t get too excited about naming anything Planet [InsertDirtyWordHere]Land. 

Whatever your play style is, you have plenty of time to form a strategy. No Man’s Sky does not yet have a release date.