At the time of writing, the Rogue is the only class with combo mechanics. Cards marked as ‘Combo’ have an additional effect if they are played after other cards that round. The class’s Legendary minion, Edwin VanCleef, packs a powerful combo himself.

There are several ways to build a Rogue deck, each one specializing in different ways to either control the field or directly damage the enemy hero. They may seem straight-forward, but at times that could not be further from the case.

The card list below includes the Rogue’s minions and spell cards in the current build of Hearthstone (, including those spawned by other abilities. Those that are not collectible are noted as such.

Keep in mind cards noted as being ‘Basic’ are those the player receives by default as they level their hero.

Rogue minion cards


Defias Ringleader

Rarity: CommonFlavor text: He stole the deed to town years ago, so technically the town is his. He just calls people Scrub to be mean.Obtained via crafting/packs.




Defias Bandit

Rarity: N/AFlavor text: N/ANot collectible. Comes into play when Defias Ringleader enters the field.




SI:7 Agent

Rarity: RareFlavor text: The agents of SI:7 are responsible for Stormwind’s covert activities. Their duties include espionage, assassination, and throwing surprise birthday parties for the royal family.Obtained via crafting/packs.



Master of Disguise

Rarity: RareFlavor text: She’s actually a male tauren. People don’t call him “Master of Disguise” for nothing.Obtained via crafting/packs.




Patient Assassin

Rarity: EpicFlavor text: He’s not really that patient. It just takes a while for someone to walk by that he can actually reach.Obtained via crafting/packs.





Rarity: EpicFlavor text: He just wants people to see his vacation photos.Obtained via crafting/packs.





Edwin VanCleef

Rarity: LegendaryFlavor text: He led the Stonemasons in the reconstruction of Stormwind, and when the nobles refused to pay, he founded the Defias Brotherhood to, well, deconstruct Stormwind.Obtained via crafting/packs.




Rogue spells



Rarity: BasicFlavor text: If you don’t want to be assassinated, move to the Barrens and change your name. Good luck!Obtained at level 1.





Rarity: BasicFlavor text: It’s funny how often yelling “Look over there!” gets your opponent to turn around.Obtained at level 1.




Deadly Poison

Rarity: BasicFlavor text: Rogues guard the secrets to poison-making carefully, lest magi start incorporating poison into their spells. Poisonbolt? Rain of Poison? Poison Elemental? Nobody wants that.Obtained at level 1.




Rarity: BasicFlavor text: Rogues love sappy movies.Obtained at level 1.




Sinister Strike

Rarity: BasicFlavor text: There’s something about this strike that just feels off. Sinister, even.Obtained at level 1.




Fan of Knives

Rarity: BasicFlavor text: I wouldn’t say I LOVE knives, but I’m definitely a fan.Obtained at level 4.





Rarity: BasicFlavor text: Rogues are experts at SHIV-al-ry.Obtained at level 6.






Rarity: BasicFlavor text: Obtained at level 8.






Rarity: BasicFlavor text: Rogues are not good joggers.Obtained at level 10.






Rarity: CommonFlavor text: Rogue dance troops will sometimes Shadowstep away at the end of a performance. Crowds love it.Obtained via crafting/packs.




Cold Blood

Rarity: CommonFlavor text: “I’m cold blooded, check it and see!“Obtained via crafting/packs.






Rarity: CommonFlavor text: Rogues conceal everything but their emotions. You can’t get’em to shut up about feelings. Obtained via crafting/packs.





Rarity: CommonFlavor text: Everyone has a price. Gnomes, for example, can be persuaded by stuffed animals and small amounts of chocolate.Obtained via crafting/packs.





Rarity: CommonFlavor text: There is a high cost to Eviscerating your opponent: It takes a long time to get blood stains out of leather armor.Obtained via crafting/packs.



Blade Flurry

Rarity: RareFlavor text: “Look, it’s not just about waving daggers around really fast. It’s a lot more complicated than that.” - Shan, Rogue TrainerObtained via crafting/packs.





Rarity: RareFlavor text: When all else fails, nothing beats a swift whack upside the head.Obtained va crafting/packs.





Rarity: EpicFlavor text: “Be Prepared” - Rogue MottoObtained via crafting/packs.





Rogue weapon cards


Assassin’s Blade

Rarity: BasicFlavor text: I wouldn’t say I LOVE knives, but I’m definitely a fan.Obtained at level 8.




Wicked Knife

Rarity: N/AFlavor text: N/ANot collectible. Comes into play when Dagger Mastery hero power is used.




Perdition’s Blade

Rarity: RareFlavor text: Perdition’s Blade is Ragnaros’s back-up weapon while Sulfuras is in the shop.Obtained via crafting/packs.