As per two sources acquainted with the exchange, she will leave her place of employment for MSNBC this spring. Her justification behind leaving is obscure, however it is thought to be a wellbeing concern.

Has Jen Psaki Lost Significant Weight? Jen Psaki is professed to have dropped a lot of weight, as fans expected she would in the wake of being determined to have Coronavirus.

She hasn’t spoken about her wellbeing in quite a while, so she could be Alright by and by.

She seems, by all accounts, to be in great condition now, however she could be slight since she was beforehand sick with Coronavirus, and her ally may erroneously trust her weight decrease.

Jen Psaki Illness and Health Update Jen Psaki doesn’t seem to have been sick as of late; her wellbeing is by all accounts alright. She was, be that as it may, determined to have Coronavirus a couple of days prior.

She couldn’t go with Vice President Joe Biden out traveling to Europe to talk about Russia’s attack of Ukraine.

Psaki said on Twitter that she had stepped through an exam in anticipation of the excursion and that it had come out sure.

She guarantees she has just had minor side effects because of her COVID-19 immunization. She expressed that she will telecommute under White House COVID-19 rules and that she requested to get back to work following a five-day quarantine period and a negative test.

Coronavirus has provoked her to pull out from following Biden abroad for the subsequent time. She dropped her excursion to Rome and Glasgow, Scotland, the previous fall subsequent to learning she had tried positive.

Where Is Jen Psaki going? Fans Wonder If Her Health Has Anything To Do With Her Leaving As indicated by CNN’s two people acquainted with the matter, Jen Psaki hopes to leave the Biden organization before very long and join MSNBC as the White House press secretary.

As per the sources, she has not yet marked an arrangement with the ever-evolving link news organization, however discussions are advancing.

— ⭐Stellasasha1🗽🇺🇲 ✝️ (@Stellasasha1) April 1, 2022

A White House official didn’t affirm Psaki’s likely arrangements. “Jen is here and buckling down for the President consistently to give you the responses to the inquiries that you have, and that is in the same place as her accentuation,” the individual added.

At the point when she ventures down, it’s indistinct who will take her situation. A solicitation for input from the White House was not returned, despite the fact that representative press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will most likely be thought of.

Kate Bedingfield, the White House interchanges chief, is likewise a solid competitor, having given her lady press preparation this week.

Her intention in going presently can’t seem to be found; she hasn’t expressed why she is leaving.