So, what of the mobile versions? Well, the parent tweet of the announcement linked to a Tumblr developer diary that addressed exactly that, which says that “It looks like the iOS version will be releasing first, with a tentative release date in late December or early January, while the Android release will follow about 2 months later.”

The developer diary also includes a few screenshots and confirms that the mobile versions “requires no online connection after the game has been installed” and will include “all the bells and whistles fans have come to expect and want in a Harvest Moon”:

Screenshot of the mobile version

So, would you rather get Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories on mobile, PC, or Wii U? Let us know in the comments!

Harvest Moon  Seeds of Memories coming to Wii U in 2016   Harvest Moon  Seeds of Memories - 66Harvest Moon  Seeds of Memories coming to Wii U in 2016   Harvest Moon  Seeds of Memories - 49