There have been examinations and theory however police have suspected it a self destruction. Nonetheless, the last articulation is yet to be delivered. Miura was one of the most cherished entertainers in the nation. May his spirit find happiness in the hereafter.

Haruma Miura (born on April 5, 1990) was a Japanese entertainer and artist most popular for the film “The Eternal Zero.” He was born in Tokyo, Japan.

How did Haruma Miura Die? Tragically, Haruma is accounted for to be dead in his home on July 18, 2020. He was only 30 years of age when he met his destruction.

Police have suspected his end as a potential self destruction. In any case, the reason is as yet not satisfactory and they are yet to explore.


前々から共演したかった、猫の #春馬 くん! 今夜、待望の共演✨🐈 最高の時間でした。また会いたい。 今日のNHK 【世界はほしいモノにあふれてる】は冬のほっこりスペシャル! 様々なほっこりをたっぷりお届けする1時間。 今夜22:30~です!是非ご覧ください🐎 #せかほし #ふてにゃん #ダブル春馬

Haruma Miura 三浦春馬 (@haruma_miura_info)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi (13 Şub, 2020, 2:48öö PST)

It is truly dismal, tragic news for his family. His significant other, Ayaka Miyoshi feels broken on losing the adoration for her life.

Also, a great many his fans are petitioning God for his spirit from all around the globe. Everybody is reprimanding 2020 for being so unfeeling and removing individuals from them.

According to the records, Haruma had an expected total assets of around $3 Million. In any case, no cash can be utilized to fix the torment inside your brain, cant it?

There are a ton of messages coming in for him on his Instagram account which has over 1,000,000 devotees.

Be that as it may, his family and spouse are yet to come out and talk about him. One can comprehend what’s befalling him after such lamentable news.

Haruma was an honor winning entertainer who won “Best Actor in Supporting Role” for the film, “The Eternal Zero.”

Be that as it may, no popularity can assist you with conquering the psychological tussle. In the event that you think you are feeling discouraged or on edge, if you don’t mind contact concerned individuals before it’s past the point of no return.


先日ミュージカルChessを国際フォームに観に行って全日本人キャストが英語で芝居をしていてその熱量の高さに圧倒されました。9日までなので、是非観てみて下さい。素晴らしかった。 そして初めてsugarさん こと #佐藤隆紀 さんに初めてお会いしました。とても柔らかな方で、『いつか共演しようね』と声を掛けて貰えました。とっても嬉しかった。絶対実現させましょう🙇✨ そして、以前から親交があり仕事した事もある #飯野めぐみ さん #染谷洸太 くん #エリアンナ ちゃん みんな楽屋裏で会った顔が生き生きしていて、稽古場から本番で全力で積み上げた努力を感じさせる素晴らしい顔でした。 作品を観ていてもそれは感じました。 @eliana0514 ちゃんはシンシアコンサートにも遊びに来てくれていて、僕も大いに尊敬する日本のディーバです。ほんとう彼女の歌声は力強くて圧倒されますよー😎

Haruma Miura 三浦春馬 (@haruma_miura_info)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi (6 Şub, 2020, 8:09ös PST)