The couple utilized their fundamental laborer status to go on an outing to their vacation home in Wanaka. In spite of a severe lockdown going on in Auckland, they bowed the standards in support of themselves by setting aside sporting effort for themselves.

Allow us to dive more deeply into Hannah Rawnsley and investigate her folks and family subtleties.

Hannah Rawnsley has not presented her folks on the web or to the overall population yet.

She has kept the personality including the names and occupations of her folks from the general population, however individuals will know the guardians of the lockdown breacher in Wanaka.

Nonetheless, she clarified in her expression of remorse articulation that her family or guardians knew nothing about their mysterious outing to the occasion home. Her folks may be frustrated after the news broke on the web.

Rawnsley has likewise not spoken anything about her kin or other relatives on the web yet. Her accomplice William is the child of his mom District Court Judge Mary-Beth Sharp.

Hannah Rawnsley’s genuine age is 26 years of age as per NZ Herald.

She could be born around the year 1995 or 1994, however her real date of birth has not risen to the top yet.

Because of the absence of data about her genuine date of birth, her zodiac sign is likewise not accessible, and making expectations about her character is additionally impractical at this point.

Rawnsley could be born around Auckland, New Zealand, and have New Zealand citizenship. In any case, the Kiwi public has not spoken anything about her origin also.

Legal counselor Hannah Rawnsley in Wanaka William Willis Case is his better half.

Hannah Rawnsley is a rehearsing legal counselor as of now working at Roddi Simi, a law office in Auckland, New Zealand as indicated by Celeb Saga.

She and her accomplice William has been making features across the web after they were named as the couple who penetrated the lockdown to head out to a vacation home in Wanaka.

— pek pek (@kiwipilipina) September 14, 2021

Hannah’s beau William is a pony raiser and equestrian by calling, he has contended in some worldwide occasions too however the news isn’t inescapable at this point.

Two or three has now apologized for their demonstration of thoughtlessness to individuals of the Wanaka people group.